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Signature Services - Highlights

Consulting, Guidance, Advisory & Support

Personal development and transformation (private and group) within context of high change, transitional climates, and relationship structures (personal, professional/organizational) requiring optimal influence and impact for desired outcomes. Internal factors include:  personal awareness, energetic alignment amplification, growth, emotional-spiritual maturity, resilience, and mindset transformation as the vital foundation for realizing potential in lasting and authentic success in all aspects of life domains where you fulfill skill-sets, roles and relationships with others for achieving aligned outcomes. Why? Because thriving is grounded in one’s whole essence (intellect/mind, emotions, body, heart-spirit) of unique truths in vitality, wholeness, well-being, zone of genius/wisdom, talents and gifts with optimal level of consciously deliberate design and not by default. Let's get you back to the solid foundation you have and need to get on with the outcomes you want to fulfill in your relational environments needing your brilliance!

Key Benefits include:

  • Amplified self leadership and resilience for thriving in roles/relationship structures and the various environments calling on your influence and impact;
  • Purpose, Passion, Clarity from your truths in vitality, wellbeing, gifts and talents (the hard and soft skills);
  • Amplified focus and engagement on priorities that serve your core truths in vitality, well being, genius/talents, growth and fulfillment for self and others;
  • Amplified energy that serves and expands a thriving environment: emotional maturity, self-esteem, influence, impact, negotiation and confidence that can weather and break through change and its challenges and opportunities (personally and professionally);
  • Enhanced relationships with self and others through alignment, engagement, influence, impact, conflict resolution (certified in mindfulness based intervention tools for stress reduction, positive psychology methodologies for relationship management, and emotional intelligence).
  • Enhanced Influence, Impact, Advancement - career, transition/changes, conflict management, relationship management, personal goals within roles and relationships at work and life.
  • Additional opt-in self-enhancement service: hypnotherapeutic services for habits improvement, stress and anxiety management, performance, and so much more! NGH Accredited Master Consulting Hypnotist, 5 Phases of Advanced Transformational Hypnosis (5-PATH) and certified Teacher of 7th-Path Self-Hypnosis (Note: for medical/clinically diagnosed conditions of physical chronic pain, PTSD, general anxiety, clinical depression, etc., written referral/endorsement from attending medical practitioner will be required).

Influence and Impact for Roles and Structural Relationships:   From personal dimensions building/strengthening, we then flow into expanding out to external relationships. This leverages blended expertise and insights in human relations within personal and business/organizational structures and their operational practices for enhanced leadership, wholistic practices and engagement for optimized alignment in vitality, wellbeing, core genius, and talent for enhanced outcomes. Areas discovered and cultivated include the core base points for achieving aligned focus, productivity, high engagement, and sustainable results through: 

  • self and team leadership - inspiring self and group/team; 
  • authenticity within the spirit of mutual service and supportive culture; 
  • raising personal and team influence and impact through alignment in commitment and accountability;
  • clarified Vision, Mission and Values through aligned engagement for success/performance objectives, clear line of sight and goals/outcomes; structure and culture development for effective operational model of service, accountability, supportive talent management, self-development/growth and retention strategies; 
  • collaborative model for enhancing ongoing workplace wellness and relationships; 
  • sustaining high engagement levels and resilience; 
  • taking inspired accountability for high performance and wellness in the workplace. 

Key Benefits include:

  • Enhanced self and people relationship and leadership, supporting management practices in support of optimal talent sourcing/management; relations; engagement; teaming and conflict management;
  • Improved alignment with business and people strategic objectives for results;
  • Aligned commitment and accountability across role/positional levels for influencing results within structural/organizational design;
  • Enhanced human resources management practices and measurements – e.g., development/growth, engagement, absenteeism, productivity, reduced turnover/ attrition of performers, increased retention, improved talent and succession management;
  • Increased engagement level targets;
  • Enhanced service model, for enhanced fulfillment of outcomes from a culture that promotes: Commitment vs Interest; Thriving Outcomes vs Excuses; Rewards vs Penalties; Success Management vs Performance Management; Creativity and Growth which embraces the the stretch of radical transformation for better , every time.

Empowering Leaders and their Relationships

for Aligned Engagement and Productivity Optimization (Organization / Team level)

  • Strategic and tactical advisory - consultation and workplace audits, advisory support on governance, 'just-in-time' guidance, template support, team-building and people practices, due-diligence considerations within employment life cycle - recruitment, performance management, employee relations, learning, engagement, self-management/care, culture practices, teaming, onboarding and exit strategies.
  • Experienced in workplace investigations and resolution-handling -facilitation, with trauma-informed sensitivity and experience collaborating with legal counsel.
  • Fractional HR support and knowledge transfer - capability-level of seasoned expertise as  HR Business Partner| Interim HR leadership for foundations design & Implementation| people practices-project advisory and facilitator for high-change mandates - Experienced in people / human resources management foundations, integrative people policies/programs strategy; employee engagement; career pathing/management; human dynamics change management; exit and redeployment programs aligned with org Values and strategic requirements; insights-based services for integrations/ mergers/ acquisitions/ expansions, incorporating transformation planning and implementation with people practices and leadership; business/corporate ethics alignment with service models; accountability-based individual/teaming and resource-management; organizational development; team building, enhancement facilitation and chartering.
  • Strategic HR & transformation initiatives -  organizational scans/audit for change feasibility, findings and recommendations (people lens); supporting  humanistic systems / practices for relationship structure alignment with business transformation needs.

"Maria is such an amazing loving and caring woman. She is very gifted and a true inspiration. Her principles are very simple to understand and easy to follow. Her training and system has helped me become a very successful person and leader for my diverse and international team. I believe everyone needs coaching and mindset training. Maria is great to work with!”  - Sylwia Swider Chief Executive Officer at Live Liphe  (focus: freedom lifestyle, business and team growth)

Awareness, Learning, and Renewal Intensives - Raise Your Influence and Impact, for Brilliance in Your World

There are a variety of signature motivational speaking, interactive seminars, private and group intensives/workshops and retreats available as customized to meet client needs, which guide from the commitment to scaling personal leadership, as the powerful source for bringing about vitality for engagement, focus and sustainable outcomes that serve all - both in the workplace and in personal life. 

Keynote speaking engagements and awareness sessions are a great way to introduce or boost motivation for personal and mindset transformation towards self-empowering engagement, performance enhancement, goals/success achievement - whether in the workplace or other transitional life-spheres that matter to you (e.g., associations, charity work, relationships requiring performance and enhancements). This is a motivational session, typically from 45 minutes to an hour and can either act as a stand-alone introductory motivational seminar on authentic success and performance enhancement or act as a perfect motivation and stress management boost to meetings, project / initiatives forums, conventions, conferences, town halls, or retreats for individuals and organizations.

Topics are customized to fit client needs and anchored from our signature program elements and operating philosophy for meaningful leadership, work and relationships . Workshop series also available, depending on customization needs. 

Available standard speaking engagements for inspired engagement, trainings and workshops topics include (*contact us for a discovery session, for customization to your needs):

  • Signature training and motivation workshops for time-tested Success Habits for a thriving business, career and life
  • The Balance of Compassion and Relationship Conflict Resolutions - for self and others
  • Workplace Wellness & What's Involved - the inner journey and the external journey flow (Strategy into Action)
  • Keynote - Love-Engagement with the workplace: The "4-letter Word that Smarter than Smart Leaders Live By"
  • Why Coaching Builds Trust More than Command & Control
  • How to Increase Response-Ability & Why It's Critical in Today's World - the inner and the outer benefits
  • Learning signature modules of FACTOR OF, leveraging ancient and modern teachings and wisdom for authentic success, self-management, team leadership, work and life balance, negotiation skills, influence and impact
  • How to Realize Your Limitless Potential for Influence and Impact - in the workplace and in personal life
  • Essential Practices for Workplace Effectiveness - workplace success, spirit of service, leadership, cross-boundary accountability management and engagement
  • The Balance of Motivation, Performance & Discipline for Results and Relationships that Matter
  • True Impact & Influence - from the Inside-Out (From Potential to Realizing Sustainable Outcomes)
  • Emotional Management, Intelligence, Resilience
  • The Power of the Mind for Performance Enhancement - guided mindfulness meditation sessions and workshops
  • Workplace & Life - Stress Busters, Teaming, Working through removal of emotion-based addictive habits and behaviours that get in the way of forward-movement (e.g., addictive behaviours and habits, emotions, limiting beliefs, overwork, anxiety, substance addictions, emotion-based fears, chronic pains, mood management)
  • Group transformational workshops for self-growth and performance Enhancement - self-hypnosis teaching, mindset transformation for performance enhancement without selling short on what matters most
  • Private sessions Hypnosis (opt-in) - for removing erroneous limiting emotional and behavioural blocks to performance (e.g., confidence, influence, self esteem, impact on the job or in a relationship role)
Workshops & Retreat-Sessions (private/group): Burnout-Liberation and Healing intensives (online, destination retreats, in-person as pandemic guidelines allow); Passion and Purpose that Serves; Integrative Service Plan from True Leadership; Compass re-set from within for wholeness and sustainability for what serves. Opt-in Service: 

1) Learn about hypnosis as a game-changer for strategic self-care and personal growth enhancement - Maria is a NGH Accredited Master Consulting Hypnotist of 5-PATH advanced transformational hypnosis, and Teacher of 7-Path Self-Hypnosis, for addictive behaviour, stress and anxiety management, performance enhancement, and so much more! (Note: for clinically diagnosed conditions such as chronic pain, PTSD, general anxiety, clinical depression, etc., written referral/endorsement from attending medical practitioner may be required prior to one-on-one hypnosis sessions).

2) Maria is also a certified practitioner through MBSR (Mindfulness-based stress reductions) and is formalizing her accreditation to teach Mindfulness in workplaces. To date, she incorporates her mindfulness teachings in her signature learning and coaching programs within mindful brilliance. 

Workplace Wellness / Organization Development Category – key principles, habits and mindfulness based stress reduction and performance enhancement techniques for self and organization/team-wide mindset and behavioural transformation practices, along with personal wellness from the inside-out. Consulting, coaching, facilitation, training and implementation support for enhanced workplace culture and relationship structures, vitality, health and wellness, engagement, and resilience.

Personal Growth & Leadership Development Category - focus is on key authentic success-enabling principles, habits and techniques for enhancing influence and impact. Personal self-care, development and transformation modules are prioritized to discover, design, and realize success potential that serves clear purpose and goals both personally and professionally. Hypnosis (opt-in), Mindfulness Meditation practices, and Success Principles support services.

Seminar-training/workshop, coaching program, Mindfulness-based meditations and retreat series within the FACTOR OF signature framework provide an interactive game-changing, practical step-by-step guidance for one’s personal journey to meaningful fulfillment of lasting success in what matters most – at a personal, leadership and professional level. *** We also offer a self-paced online support tool through BrillianceBack app - contact us to learn more!

Much of Maria’s success is a result of personal traits such as being introspective; adaptable; intuitive; creative; an eager learner and curious leader; optimistic; trustworthy; efficient and generous as well as being an effective communicator, both written and oral with exceptional listening skills.

– Bruce Tibbitts, retired Executive and Consultant, Human Resources, Financial Services industry

Coaching & Accountability Partnering

Our Wholistic approach, includes deep supports through coaching and accountability partnering every step of the way... 

  • Support through hands-on practice, assignments, coaching, healing and wellness modalities (individual or group-based relationship/team-building sessions) for renewal, implementation, shifts support, enhanced relationships and authentic success realization. 
  • 25+years of expertise in human resources/relations, engagement, outplacement, employee relations, authentic leadership and organizational leadership. 
  • Motivational coaching for personal leadership and success management, drawn from work and studies with personal success transformation experts, thought leaders and ancient wisdom teachings on wholistic healing.
  • Relaxation and mindset realignment strategies.

Coaching and accountability partnering is focused on providing support to handle variables and circumstances from work and life environments - helping you through transitions often presenting challenges leaving you 'stuck'. Support includes learning to step out of comfort zones using methods and techniques in order to get  from where you are, to where you want to be, and by deliberate design, as Maria describes in her books,  Love and the Highly Engaged Team: Make a Difference Through Your Leadership, and Love & Leadership in The Fast Lane: How To Lead Without Selling Short on What Matters Most .

I had the pleasure of working with Maria at [a major financial services company]. Maria was our HR Consultant and provided exemplary service to our Operations departments and its people. Maria demonstrated an expertise in succession planning, competency-based performance analysis, motivational surveys, and performance appraisals. While working with Maria, it was evident that she contributed to the success and growth of our department and our people. Her consultation, coaching and support would benefit any organization. Over the past year and to date, I have engaged in personal coaching with her and in the short time, through her care and attention to detail, I was able to recalibrate and allow pieces of the true ‘me’ to come out and play again. I am noticing great things happening in the way I think and lead my life both personally and professionally. 

                                                                          – Wanita Fonseka, Senior Vice President, Financial Services industry

Enhance Your Influence and Impact  through Advanced Transformational Modalities for Strategic Self-Care and Performance Enhancement

Maria first discovered the power of hypnosis in 2002 when she was preparing for the launch of her consulting business and experiencing overwhelm, burnout, and performance anxiety from corporate employment. Soon after the birth of her son and progressive health issues, she devoted time for deep level self care, resilience and growth practices, including hypnosis work, mindfulness meditation and other healing and self-enhancement modalities. With the help of transformational modalities such as hypnosis, she was able to heal herself from chronic fatigue and pains caused by  three auto-immune diseases SLE Lupus, Sjogrens, Lupus-induced liver complication, and Fibromyalgia. To date, she attributes her profound health progress to game-changing holistic wellness strategies such as mindset work, naturopathic, and emotional-based healing modalities, including hypnosis. As a result, Maria now dedicates to blending her technical skills with holistic practices for others, including guided meditative practices, teaching self-hypnosis as part of ongoing growth and performance enhancement personally and professionally.

Maria is a Certified Master Consulting Hypnotist professional specializing in the 5-Phases of Advanced Transformational Hypnosis (5-PATH®); certified in mindfulness-based stress reduction, regression and progression work, and a Certified Teacher of 7th Path™ Self Hypnosis, with the National Guild of Hypnosis (NGH). On an opt-in basis, Maria offers hypno-therapeutic services specializing in helping her clients to level up in their personal and professional growth, incorporating hypnosis and meditation practices as part of their strategic self-care with personal leadership development and enhancement.


Hypnosis is one of the tools and modalities she draws on to help clients through a variety of erroneous emotions, limiting beliefs and habits that often get in the way of optimal clarity, focus, engagement, negotiation, and effective performance in relational structures at work and in personal life. Clients discover the subconscious reasons for their barriers in effective-decision making, behaviours or habits they are wishing to address or modify. When they are discovered, certain mindfulness-based stress reduction tools and techniques are also offered to help clients for re-learning new positive behaviour, ways of thinking subconsciously – this is called, “Hypnotherapy”.

Hypnosis through The FACTOR OF is an opt-in service offered to clients and requires consent in writing vis-à-vis a Hypnosis Service Agreement form which must be signed and executed prior to service commencement. See Maria's credentials below (each credential badge provides the link for guidelines and governing body by which advanced transformational hypnosis services at The FACTOR OF abides).

Improved Relationships Means Improved Engagement

Improving relationships for meaningful influence and impact requires aligned engagement for relational structures which starts with becoming more relaxed, aware, accepting, and compassionate with Self. The initial focus is improving self-relationship which, within any of our programs, naturally extends out to how self-relationship has been impacted by external relationships (e.g., family members, professional relationships, social networks, friendships, etc.). 

Resilience-Building & Enhanced Coping Skills

Hypnosis enhances the ability to be more resilient – through better awareness, acceptance, improved tolerance, objectivity, quickly ‘bouncing back’ to a state of calm clarity when and where needed in relationship management, particularly during emotionally-charged relationship matters, often involving change and transition.

Eliminate Negative Patterns

Hypnosis can enhance your ability to break old negative patterns such as aggressive behaviours like yelling or verbally attacking, avoiding confrontation, passive-aggressive behaviour, over-accommodating (“people pleasing”), or regretful sacrificing of time for self care, often leading to resentment or depression. Hypnosis can help improve levels of courage and self-confidence effectively handling conflict situations requiring optimal levels of ability to collaborate, negotiate, speak up and do or say that which needs to be said or done, in an influential, healthy and compassionate way (to self and others).

Hypnosis Can Also Help You with Any One of The Following


  • Feel better when you or your partner breaks trust in the relationship
  • Increase your feelings of security and boost your self-confidence
  • Neutralize feelings of anger and fear from the past so they don’t interfere in the present
  • Increase independence and trust in your relationship
  • Effectively deal with conflict
  • Effectively manage your intentions and expectations
  • Resolve erroneous (past) emotions from past relationships and feel more optimistic about future relationships
  • Make effective decisions regarding an unhealthy relationship
  • Improve your influence and impact


  • Overcome fear of commitment and make better judgments for relationship decisions
  • Resolve emotional pain from an old relationship (personally / professionally)
  • Make better choices and attract better relationships
  • Relax and enjoy meeting new and/or difficult people
  • Overcome shyness and radiate self-confidence
  • Overcome self-esteem issues
  • Overcome trust issues

We offer advanced transformational hypnosis services for supporting your desired habit changes in support of your personal enhancement/growth goals (see below):

  • Performance enhancement/management
  • Confidence improvement
  • Personal Development and goal setting (Coaching and accountability management)
  • Stress management
  • Smoking cessation
  • *Depression/Anxiety management
  • *Weight control
  • *Pain Management
  • Fear removal
  • Self esteem
  • Self-Hypnosis
  • Guided Imagery & Visualization for clarity

It is important to check with your doctor to see if there is an medical-related component to your problem/issue. Once checked, and if applicable, a referral form from your attending medical/clinical practitioner will be required before any hypnosis work can be done.

*Disclaimer:   The services rendered at The FACTOR OF are held out to the public as a form of motivational transformational coaching combined with instruction and training in hypnosis with the understanding that ALL hypnosis is self-hypnosis. The FACTOR OF (its staff, affiliates, and parent company MPCS Inc.) do not represent as any form of clinical health care or psychotherapy, and despite research results to the contrary we make no health benefit claims for any of the services provided to our clients. If you have been clinically diagnosed with depression, anxiety, or any mental illness, medical illness, or pain, we will work with you and may require referral from your medically/clinically recognized professional of mental or medical health care provider. Obtaining referrals is a simple process and will be discussed as necessary during the discovery meeting.

Working with Maria on hypnosis and self-hypnosis has been life-altering. Her caring nature, embodiment of the principles, authenticity-wisdom teachings, coaching, and dedication to expanding love in all aspects of life have helped me shift in significant ways. I am able to put tools I’ve learned over the years to use more effectively and with ease as my conscious and subconscious are aligned more than ever before.  – Chiara Zonni, Graphic Artist & Entrepreneur (focus: relationship goals and self-care management strategy)

Maria is such a highly gifted individual! Her hypnosis session was amazing and opened up my awareness to so much! It’s amazing what she can do in such a short period of time! She is so full of love and light, so easy to trust, and truly shows she has your best interests at heart. I highly recommend her!   – Christine Whitehead-Lavulo, CEO, Christine Lavulo Coaching (focus: awareness enhancement) was the deepest state of relaxation my body has ever experienced, even more than my meditation practice to date! I didn't even realize how tightly wound up I was until being immersed in deep hypnotic state! Maria is highly professional and has the perfect energy and intuitive ability to connect to what I really needed for our session! -  Sylwia Swider, Chief Executive Officer, Live LiPhe (focus: continued focus for performance, and progressive relaxation)

" Nothing is achieved from a frantic mind. We can often feel overwhelmed and stand in our own way. That is why I did a hypnosis session with Maria. She is an incredible coach, mentor and healer. Her guidance was powerfully taking me to the next level of relaxation and fulfillment. I got out of my head and into my body. It felt nourishing and refreshing. After the session I felt extra relaxed and allowed myself to let go of my worries. I highly recommend Maria as a coach and a mentor for experts, professionals and entrepreneurs looking for clarity, focus and breakthroughs not just in their work, but also in life. Thank you Maria! "   – Lira Kannan, Founder at Lira Kay (focus: ongoing self-care enhancement/progressive relaxation)

Maria is a heart-centered leader who supports her clients from a place of authenticity and extreme professionalism with a strong desire to get to the root of what is holding you back. I have been fortunate to benefit from Maria’s hypnosis and after just one session, experienced a state of peace like no other. I felt very safe and supported throughout the session and continued to experience the benefits afterwards. It allowed me to reconnect and refocus on my goals from my heart rather than my analytical mind. Maria’s unique approach is like no other and in my opinion, is much needed in today’s society especially in the corporate space. Maria’s passion to help others coupled with her vast knowledge, distinctive tools and years of experience shines through immediately. She is also a talented speaker and storyteller and makes an impactful addition at various types of events.   – Marina Tam, HR Specialist, Technology sector (focus: self-care enhancement through progressive relaxation)